What would you do tomorrow if you knew you would succeed?

Explore your current and future self

Get clarity on the future direction of your life

Change habits and patterns to succeed

Make concrete plans and take action

As a life and business coach, I help you ask the right questions so you no longer have to doubt what’s important to you, where you are going, or how to get there.

I support you in gaining clarity and finding out what you really want – with your life or your business. Together we aim for what’s best for you.  

Coaching is an investment in yourself that you’ll never regret, and your 80-year-old future self will thank you for it. I promise.

Goals and themes that I regularly coach on

  • Making big decisions and acting on your vision, so you can create the life you dream about
  • Addressing the stuff you have been avoiding, so you can let go of what’s weighing you down
  • Finding clarity in everyday life by examining your values – and sending values that no longer serve you into retirement
  • Getting started as a solo entrepreneur or freelancer: get clarity on your goal, establish effective habits, set deadlines, and tackle procrastination and imposter syndrome
  • Figuring out where you want to go next in life and/or work and coming up with a detailed plan – and getting support to achieve it
  • Becoming the (project) leader that everyone wants to work with by having higher standards and building better systems
  • Standing strong in yourself and setting boundaries, so you can achieve better work/life balance
  • (Re)Discovering the joy of going to work, whether in your current job or in a new job

Expatriate coaching

As a Dane who has lived in Switzerland and France since 2009, I also regularly coach expatriated Danes in Switzerland who are settling in privately or in an international work arrangement. Quite a few of them are following their spouses and asking the question: “What about me now?”

Coaching style

If you imagine a coach to be an autocratic “my way or the highway” type standing on the sidelines with a whip, then I am certainly not the right coach for you.

I believe that you hold the answers that will guide your path forward, not me. My role is to help you understand what you really want and why you want it, gain insight into what’s preventing you from achieving it, and make a plan for how you can make your goals a reality.

I am by nature very calm, caring, and open-minded, and I will guide your journey by asking you reflective questions, by listening, and by observing – but also by challenging you, helping you stay focused, and making sure you stay accountable to your commitments.

I use a broad spectrum of strategies and tools, including positive psychology, leadership development, project and time management, literature and storytelling, mindfulness, Scandinavian life philosophy, and different coaching models.

I also use quite a lot of common sense and humour.

How we will work together?

Whether you are engaging in life or business coaching, working with me starts with a package of five sessions, each lasting 75 to 90 minutes. Sessions take place either in person or virtually over Zoom. Sessions are typically one to two weeks apart, and we’ll always start a course by booking the dates in our calendars.

The process

During our free 30-minute discovery call, we’ll talk about some of your dreams, challenges, and the results you would like to achieve. I will tell you what you can expect to get out of coaching, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions. The discovery call takes place virtually on Zoom and is free of charge.

Once we have decided to work together, we will start by uncovering your vision and your goal(s). We’ll look at the gap between where you are and where you want to go.

At this stage, I will often create your “coaching wheel” so we can assess and understand how areas in your life, work-life, or business are currently balanced, and together prioritise where to start the work.

Coaching is not a magic fix. We’ll spend quite a bit of time exploring your obstacles and your mindset around them. We’ll look at your frustrations, what keeps you up at night, and why you are stuck.

This part of the work can be challenging, but when you crack the code, you will feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I promise.

Using our insights, we’ll look into your new alternatives and opportunities. We might finetune your goal(s); it very often turns out that the initial goal looks different at this stage. We’ll make a concrete action plan, and we’ll look into what you’ll need to do or think differently to get from A to B.

In each session, you’ll make plans and commitments, and as your wing woman, I will do my best to keep you accountable for the commitments you create for yourself from session to session.

During our sessions, I will use a wide range of coaching and visualization tools. These are adapted to your specific situation and your goals. I may also give you “homework” between sessions. This can be an exercise or some thoughts for you to consider until our next session. This is highly appreciated by my coachees.

Book a free discovery call

I offer a free 30-minute consultation for people interested in working with me. It’s a great way for me to find out what you’re hoping to achieve, and for both of us to figure out if we’re a good match.


Coaching is a conversation technique where I ask you questions that allow you to reflect on the thoughts, actions, and choices you make. My questions will help you explore your status quo, clear up some of the fog, understand yourself better, and get focused on what you really want. 

You will set new goals, discover new alternatives, and create realistic action plans on how to go from where you are now to where you want to be. The more open you are, the further you will get with your insights, and the faster your process will be. 

Coaching isn’t therapy. In coaching, we focus on the present and the future – but not too much on the past. You will not be healing old traumas, but you might start to see them from a new perspective.

This doesn’t mean that a coaching session can’t be emotional – it can – or that it is not okay to talk about feelings; it is. But the way we work with your feelings, your insights, and your history is different from how you would work with them in a therapeutic session.

You are the expert of your life and the one holding the right answers. Not me. My job as your coach is to support and challenge you to find the answers you need within yourself. If you are stuck and can’t find the answers, we’ll explore the way forward together. 

I don’t believe there’s a hard division line between business, executive, work-life, and life coaching. You’re only one person and your work life and private life are connected. It’s my experience that we might start focusing on a work-life or business theme and we will end in a life theme – and vice versa.

That’s a great question. Besides the sessions, I will recommend that you set aside 15-30 minutes before each session to tune into yourself. It will also be good to have 15-30 minutes after the session, so you can take some notes, look at your commitments, and even take action on some of them straight away.

The most important work is actually the work you will be doing in between the sessions. To support this, I will often give you some exercises or some ideas to consider before our next session. Whether you do them or not is up to you, but the more accountable you are (to yourself) in between sessions, the faster change will happen.

Many of my clients come to me because they struggle to find a balance with how they use their time. For some, it´s a balance between life and work, for others it’s a balance between finding time for themselves and finding time for what others think they should spend their time on.

I don’t coach in the evenings, nor on weekends, as I would not be a very trustworthy coach if I didn’t manage to balance my own time and listen to my own boundaries. 

I think this is a matter of intuition. If you feel that the words on these pages speak to you, then book a free discovery call. And if you feel during our discovery call that I can support your journey, then just get started. If you overthink it, you’ll never get started – with me or another coach. I will always be honest and tell you if I don’t think I am the right coach for you.

Yes! You can pay the full investment or in two or three installments. 

As a native Dane, I coach in English and Danish. 

I have been in the French-speaking part of Switzerland long enough to understand French, so if you are a native French speaker and sometimes need to express yourself in French, it is absolutely not an issue for me.


Are you ready for a change?

Coaching package

  • 1x session of 90 min
  • 5x sessions of 75 min
  • In-between exercises

Your investment in change: 995 CHF

I’ve made it easy for you. There’s only one coaching package. Change will happen after each session (and in-between sessions), but with five sessions I can guarantee that your life will look different than when we started and that your change process will gain real momentum.